Massage can be good for peroneal tendonitis however it’s likely not a long-term fix. 

Most people will require a combination of treatments, most importantly including physical activity and potentially targeted exercises to improve overall tissue tolerance and strength.

Peroneal tendonitis is a painful condition that affects the lower leg. It is caused by inflammation of the tendons that run along the outside of the ankle. Massage is often used to alleviate the symptoms of peroneal tendonitis, but is it really effective? This article will discuss the benefits of massage for peroneal tendonitis, and when it is safe to use. 

Another point to note is that peroneal tendonitis/tendinosis/tendinopathy is usually related to overuse. 

Let’s jump into the article!

Table of Contents

    Key Takeaways

    • Peroneal tendonitis can be helped by massage but it’s mainly for pain relief
    • The best thing you can do for peroneal tendonitis is graded exercise progression
    • A rolled ankle does not always turn into a sprained ankle
    • Seek out medical advice from your physical therapist if this does not improve in a timely fashion and massage isn’t helping. 
    • Physical therapy should be your first line of defense. 

    What is Peroneal Tendonitis? 

    Peroneal tendonitis is a condition that occurs when the peroneal tendons, which are located on the outside of the ankle (lateral aspect), become inflamed. Symptoms of this condition include pain, tenderness, and swelling in the area. It can be caused by overuse or an injury to the tendons, such as a sprain or strain. 

    The peroneal tendons primary function is to prevent excessive inversion (inward rolling) of the ankle. They are the primary “evertors” of the ankle, or pointing the foot outward. 

    If you’ve rolled your ankle it’s possible you have strained your peroneal tendons (AKA fibularis longus and brevis). This is a common injury among people who have recently rolled their ankle. 

    It is possible to roll the ankle without “spraining,” it. This occurs when you roll the ankle, and the evertors (peroneals) control the inversion where it doesn’t allow the ATFL (anterior talo-fibular ligament) to stretch beyond its breaking point. 

    Can Massage Help with Peroneal Tendonitis? 

    Massage can help alleviate the pain and inflammation associated with peroneal tendonitis. Massage can encourage blood flow to the area, which can help reduce swelling and improve flexibility. It can also help to reduce muscle tension and pain. With that being said, the marginal improvements from massage are likely not statistically significant. 

    Whether you massage or do not massage is likely not going to make or break your recovery. 

    But, if it feels good and you’d like to try it, here are a couple different types of massage you can try.

    Sports massage

    A type of massage that is specifically designed to treat athletes. It is used to reduce muscle tension and improve flexibility. 

    Trigger point therapy

    Trigger point therapy is another type of massage that is focused on the pressure points of the fibularis muscles. I want to put a caveat here though… trigger points are not a reliable way to find or treat this condition. While it is true that there are knots that can form that can sometimes be painful, this does not mean that these are what is “causing,” your symptoms.  

    Deep tissue massage

    A form of massage that uses deep pressure to relieve muscle tension and pain. This and trigger point therapy are the most common types of massage utilized for relieving pain associated with peroneal tendonitis. 

    Safety Considerations 

    While massage can be a beneficial treatment for peroneal tendonitis, it is important to be aware of the potential risks. 

    Massage should not be used if you have an open wound or any other condition that could be aggravated by massage. (I thought this was a “no-duh” type of statement… but you can never be too careful!)

    Additionally, it is important to speak with a medical professional before beginning any massage treatments. If your pain is severe or does not improve after a massage, you should seek medical attention from your physical therapist.


    Massage can be a beneficial treatment for peroneal tendonitis. Massage can help reduce pain, swelling, and improve flexibility. 

    There are several types of massage that can be used to treat this condition, including sports massage, trigger point therapy, and deep tissue massage. 

    However, it is important to be aware of the potential risks and seek medical attention if your pain does not improve.​​

    In most cases this is a condition that can be treated conservatively and without surgery or other interventions. Exercise therapy is still the best form of treatment for this condition.